We have a 2021 road plan from the County!
Calaveras County Public Works has just published road plans for the County Service Areas (CSAs), including our own CSA4. You can access a summary PDF, or get more details here. There is also a survey you can take to provide feedback.
Actually, I can save you a click! Here’s the summary:

Here’s the detailed plan:

I encourage you to download the PDF for more context, and there is a link to the actual person you can contact for questions or further feedback.

Got an annoying pothole you swerve around every day? Do you know of an undercut along our roads somewhere? Go here to report it to the county Public Works department so it gets on their to-do list. There is also an app version you can put right on your phone (see the links for iPhone and Android apps at the bottom of the reporting page).
As we no longer have a Road Committee doing a roads survey every year, it falls to each of us to bring issues to the county’s attention. Each property owner in DiamondXX pays a special assessment for our road maintenance, so don’t be shy about reporting issues.
We have a number of licensed ham radio operator in the DiamondXX (including me, KN6EYF). Here are some frequencies to monitor and use, especially as we get into fire season.
- 147.500 MHz – this is a simplex frequency we’ve agreed to use for DiamondXX. It would be helpful if ham operators in the DXX monitor this frequency when they can, especially when fires or other incidents are active.
- 145.170 MHz, offset, PL 100 Hz – This is the N6FRG repeater in Angels Camp, run by the Calaveras Amateur Radio Society (CARS). Any licensed ham can use it during emergencies, regular users should join CARS.
- 444.400 MHz, offset, PL 114.8 – The N6GKJ repeater up on Gopher Ridge, line-of-site for most of DiamondXX. Very clear signal.
Note that you need to be licensed to transmit on these frequencies. Getting your amateur radio operator license is relatively easy and inexpensive – you just need to study for and pass a test. CARS (Calaveras Amateur Radio Society) coordinates study sessions and tests locally.
Just received the following from Public Works…
Beginning on April 13, 2020 a bridge construction project will commence on Singletree Drive at Little Johns Creek in Copperopolis. This project will convert the existing low water crossing to a bridge structure. The road has been closed since the low water crossing was washed out in 2004.
Driveway access along Singletree Drive will be maintained throughout the duration of the construction. Construction activity is scheduled to begin on Monday, April 13 and continue through the end of the year.
Calaveras County and our construction contractor, Viking Construction Company, Inc., appreciate your cooperation and will do everything possible to complete this important construction project on schedule.
Please call (209) 754-6401 with any questions.
With the disbanding of the Diamond XX Road Committee, our direct involvement with the County is more important than ever. Please communicate with Public Works and our Supervisor, Dennis Mills, about any road issues in the Diamond XX.
Hopefully many of us can be at these meetings (we are CSA4, meeting date TBD). Each of us is paying hundreds of dollars a year on top of our property taxes to maintain our roads, and this fund is managed (?) by the county, so our voice is critical as they prioritize recovering from this wet winter.
This was a message from Public Works:
“We have scheduled the Stagecoach Bridge Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Thursday, February 21st at 2:30pm. We will do the necessary messaging and outreach to the key stakeholders and the media.”
Aren’t Diamond XX property owners “stakeholders” since their funds have helped build this bridge? Diamond XX owners have put in a lot of time, attending meetings and voting on the Stagecoach bridge project for over 10 years. I wonder how we could have possibly been over-looked?
In any case, be at the bridge on Thursday at 2:30 if you want to get in on the celebration. It truly is awesome to have this bridge in place at last and watch the torrent flow beneath as you drive over. Here’s the news article from thepinetree.net

Great news – no more wet crossing! Many thanks to the DiamondXX Road Committee & Calaveras Public Works for getting this funded and built. Here’s the press release from Public Works:
Road Committee Retirement
To our friends and neighbors in the Diamond XX, we have served on the Diamond XX Road Committee (also known as the County Service Area #4 Advisory Committee) for about twelve years now and we have decided to retire. Our appointment to the committee expires at the end of this month and we will not reapply.
We suggest that any road concerns you have be directed to the CSA liaison in Public Works, Jacob Lile – 209.754.6401 – jlile@co.calaveras.ca.us . If you email Public Works, please copy our County Supervisor Dennis Mills – DMills@co.calaveras.ca.us .
We thank Dennis for his commitment to improving our roads and always being available for advise and counsel.
Jeane Kennedy & Bob Toynbee
More Progress on the Stagecoach Bridge
Looks like we just need the guardrails poured!